Exercises: Simple past I | Superprof
ESO 2 UNIT 1 - WHAT'S NEW? VOCABULARY. VERBS; answer - ask arrive - leave begin - finish cry - laugh drop - pick up find - lose forget - remember give - take hear - see shout - whisper sit - stand MIXED PAST SIMPLE exercises Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Past Simple and Past Continuous Exercise 2 Past Simple and Past Continuous Exercise 2. Here's another exercise to practise the verb tenses. Choose the past simple or past continuous tense. You can review how to use the past simple here and how to use the past continuous here. MARIA INGLÉS: 2º ESO 2º ESO HERE YOU HAVE SOME USEFUL ACTIVITIES, VIDEOS AND VOCABULARY LISTS. 1.VIDEOS: VOCABULARY WITH SONGS-Hobbies-Subjects-Prepositions of place -Past simple Verb To Be, exercise 2-Past simple mixed forms-Past simple: irregular verbs-There was/were, There was/there were I Simple past worksheets - free - first-english.org
Other English exercises on the same topic: Present perfect [Change theme]. > Similar tests: - Present perfect simple - Past simple or present perfect - Present perfect 2. I have. Display virtual keyboard interface been to France. 3. I think I have Simple Past - Regular and Irregular verbs. En este ejercicio 1. Yesterday my father (go) to work by car. 2. This morning I (have) a shower. 3. My sister (not 2 The kid (to play) with a bubble but the dog (to burst) it. The kid was playing with a bubble but the dog burst it. 3 2. What search engine do you usually use? Before. You Read. Google. We form the present perfect with have or has + the past participle. 9.1 The Present 1º ESO. Aquí encontrarás ejercicios de gramática; explicaciones en video; Tema, Video, Apuntes, Ejercicio en pdf, Ejercicio online Past Simple questions.
Actividades de repaso y refuerzo de pasiva (presnt & past simple) Actividades de afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa sobre la voz pasiva en presente y pasado simple para alumnos que, VOLUNTARIAMENTE, quieran hacerlas en Semana Santa y entregarlas a la vuelta. 2º ESO | Eugenia Sanchez's Blog PRESENT SIMPLE EXERCISES 1 (very easy) PRESENT SIMPLE EXERCISES 2 (normal level) PRESENT SIMPLE EXERCISES 3 (more difficult) Aquí tienes unos ejercicios interactivos para practicar. Espero que te sean útiles. COME ON! COUNTABLE, UNCOUNTABLE, SOME, ANY, HOW MUCH HOW MANY. THERE IS – THERE ARE – SOME – ANY – A / AN. A LOT OF, MUCH, MANY 1 SUMMER HOMEWORK EXTENSION 4 ESO 4 Choose the correct answer. 1. I can’t find my keys somewhere / anywhere. 2. I need anyone / someone to help me. 3. Can he stay with you tonight? He needs somewhere / something to sleep. 4. I don’t know anyone / someone who lives here. 5. I must tell you something / someone. 6. Is there anything / anyone I can do to help? 5 Complete the answers to the questions.
reading comprehension 2º eso Queen of the Sky Next autumn the biggest passenger plane in the world - the Airbus A380 - is going to make its first public flight. The plane is enormous - it's nearly 35 metres high and 75 metres long. PAST SIMPLE vs PAST PERFECT - 1º, 3º y 4º ESO ... PAST SIMPLE vs PAST PERFECT Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets. 1.- My aunt flew to Paris last year. She _____ (never / go) on a plane before that. 2.- We didn’t need to queue because my wife _____ (already / buy) the tickets 3.- The thieves had already spent the money when the police 10 Past Simple - My English World BLOG Past Simple y que sólo puedes usar cada verbo una vez. visit work play drivesendtakearrivewin 0 I tennis at the club yesterday evening.played 1 She very hard for her exams. 2 Paul me a postcard from Morocco. 3 She her new car from London to Southampton. 4 I my brother in Madrid last month. 1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria GRAMMAR REVISION UNIT 2.pdf. Documento Adobe Acrobat 2.1 MB. Descarga. Present tenses. PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS PRACTICE. present simple and continuous exercises . Documento Microsoft Word 92.5 KB. Descarga. Present perfect simple and continuous. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS 1. PAST SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS WORKSHEET
SECUNDARIA. 2º CURSO. Selection File type icon File name Description Size Revision Time User; PAST CONTINUOUS. EXERCISES.pdf Ver Descargar 18 kb: v. 3 : 7 abr. 2012 2:39: Harry Teacher: Ċ: PAST SIMPLE. AN AVERAGE WEEKEND.pdf